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Fall 2020

From monkey temples to rural mountain villages, waterfalls to crowded dusty streets, and spiritualists to the impoverished, this trip is filled with the adventure of experiencing the multidimensional flavors of Nepal.  Curry and milk tea will fuel your journey as you pour your attention on a country that is in need of physical and spiritual help.


In 2015, Nepal experienced a major earthquake to which, despite billions of dollars being pledged for disaster relief, the people of Nepal are still picking up the pieces of their broken country.  Also, according to leading world news source BBC, Nepal is classified as one of the poorest countries in the world.  This is where BWO has the privilege of becoming the hands and feet of Jesus and physically partnering with the people of Nepal to feed, doctor, rebuild, and love this nation.


We will adventure into breathtakingly beautiful mountain villages where some have never seen white skin.  In the village of Dumre, we are invited back for another year to minister to the people there and play games with the children living in impoverished circumstances. We will once again host medical/optical clinics where people will often walk hours to come and see a physician. 


Back in the bustling city of Kathmandu, we minister to hundreds of orphans living in the poorest slum area of the city. We will host Vacation Bible School, where we will have games, worship, crafts, and share with these children how they are not forgotten or unloved, but that they are sons and daughters of the King!


As we build homes, treat and mend the people, teach and play with the children, we share the spirit of a living God who cares deeply about the culture and livelihood of the Nepali people.  Come join us 2019 on an amazing adventure of serving this unique and precious culture.  As we return to these remote villages and city slums, we invite you to engage with the Father’s heart and love people past your limits.


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Trip details.

  • Where: Kathmandu & Rural Mountain Village of Dumre

  • October 10-21, 2020

  • Cost:     

    • $3,198 All-Inclusive From Los Angeles

    • $3,198 All- inclusive From New York

  • Sign up Deadline: September 1, 2020

  • Possible Ministry Options:

    • Indigenous Village Outreach- Optical, Medical, Children’s Ministry, Friendship Evangelism and Prayer, Construction & Relief Aid Distribution

    • Kathmandu Outreach- ​Orphan Outreach, Children’s Ministry, Princess Party Event, Field Trip, Medical & Optical.

    • Children & Youth Outreach in the schools.

  • Additional opportunities:  Photographers, videographers, worship team members (singers, guitar players, etc.)


  • Currently there are 20 spaces available for this mission trip opportunity.



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